Japan Makes Moon Landing History, But Power Glitch Throws Shadow on Victory


Japan Makes Moon Landing History, But Power Glitch Throws Shadow on Victory

Japan made history on Saturday by becoming the fifth nation to land on the moon, but their "Moon Sniper" spacecraft is facing a major hurdle: a solar battery problem.

After a tense 20-minute descent, the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) touched down safely, sending cheers through the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). However, the celebrations were dampened when officials realized the solar panels weren't working properly.

This means the Moon Sniper, named for its precision technology, could run out of power within hours. Despite the setback, JAXA is trying to remain optimistic. "It's possible the angle of the sun will change and power the batteries again," an official said.

The successful landing, even with the battery issue, is a remarkable achievement for Japan. It joins the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and India as the only countries to reach the moon's surface.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida congratulated the team on their achievement, noting that "detailed analysis" is needed to understand the battery problem. Meanwhile, NASA offered their congratulations and reiterated their commitment to collaborating with Japan in space exploration.

The goal of the mission was to collect data from a crater where the moon's inner layer is exposed. Two probes were deployed successfully, one sending signals and the other, a cute robot rover inspired by the Transformer toys, exploring the lunar surface.

While the landing's accuracy needs confirmation, an astronomer called it a "big success" despite the power issue. He admitted several factors could be causing the solar panel problem, ranging from loose wires to an upside-down position.

This moon landing comes as space exploration heats up once again. Countries like Russia, China, and even private companies are racing to the moon. This race, however, isn't always smooth. Just this month, a US lunar lander lost fuel and crashed, showcasing the challenges of space travel.

Despite the hiccups, Japan's successful landing is a significant step forward for their space program. They've overcome past failures and proven their ability to reach the moon. Now, all eyes are on JAXA as they race against time to save their spacecraft before the sun sets on their lunar adventure.

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